Friday 27 May 2011

Earl Grey Scones

Of course cream tea and strawberries are some of my favourite things, they remind me of trips to the seaside and small tea shops run by old ladies. So today my friend Mike and I went on a pick your own strawberry mission, but it didn't quite go the way we planned.

The first tragedy struck when we set off to go strawberry picking in Gawcott... it was closed! And then we managed to get lost down a strange road where Mike saw some massive gates and was like 'shall we see what's behind them?'. We did of course, which led to us being 'chased' by an Army man. I've never seen Mike so scared, I was literally wetting myself laughing (If Mike sees that I've written this on the internet he will be mad because he thinks he's still after us). So, it was a pretty bad start to the day.

But then it started to get better, we found another pick your own in Towcester called Wakefield and although you couldn't go picking until mid June we thought we'd go check it out as it had a farm shop and a tea room. The farm shop was amazing with loads of different produce, cakes, preserves and most importantly cheese! I only brought some strawberry and rhubarb jam for my scones though as I couldn't really decide what I wanted.

So I was slightly devastated that we weren't going strawberry picking and Wakefield didn't even do it any more so we went to Tesco to get some strawberries (sigh). But then on the way back to my car we found that the pick your own in Gawcott was magically open! So yeah, I was delighted and we finally got to pick some strawberries.

When we got back we got to enjoy some amazing fresh British strawberries with clotted cream and homemade scones! I made my scones with the Earl Grey tea I got from Cupoftea after the tasting to give them an extra kick. Here's the recipe:

makes 12

250g self raising flour
pinch of salt
1 tsp of Earl Grey tea leaves
55g butter
150ml milk
1 egg, beaten

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and line a baking tray with grease proof paper. Get your pestle and mortar out (I love the pestle and mortar) and grind up your tea leaves to a fine powder. Put the flour, salt, tea and butter in a bowl and rub with your finger tips until it's the consistency of bread crumbs. Stir in the sugar and milk until it forms a dough and turn out on to a floured surface. Knead lightly and pat out to about 2cm thick and cut with a cookie cutter (or upside down glass, if like me you have no cookies cutters) and place them on the baking tray. Brush the scones with the beaten egg and then bake in the oven for 15 minutes until golden. Leave to cool on a wire rack and enjoy!

I also got this tea for one mug today which is excellent for brewing the masses of tea I've brought but never use. The perfect accompaniment to a lovely scone!


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