Thursday 24 May 2012

Grove Farm Take 2

Grove farm has become my new favourite place, I don't know why I get so much joy out of digging up vegetables with masses of oldies, but I do! So my PIC Mike and I went back last week and picked, dug and pulled some more goodies. This time we didn't really know what we wanted, but ended up with red onions, french beans, rhubarb, raspberries, leeks and parsnips. This is what we made:

Mike with a massive parsnip 
In the end we decided to make a caramelsied onion and goats cheese tart with parmesan (veggie of course) and parsnip mash and garlicy beans. For desert we made rhubard crumble, although we didn't have custard which was a MASSIVE disappointment!

You can find the caramelised onion tart recipe here, and to make the mash and beans is super simple. All you need to do is boil the parsnips, then drain and mash with parmesan, butter and lots of black pepper. Then boil the beans, drain and fry with crushed garlic and butter. Serve together and enjoy!


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